Welcome to my sin palace...now beautifuly decorated with an html template I found online
Here you'll find everything to sum up me, including my socials, my art, and whatever else I feel must be here. I'm still figuring out what exactly I want this website to be so if you stumble across it just know this isnt what the final thing will look like.
Anyways I'm making this at like 1:30 in the morning so I dont wanna touch this right now. But if you're reading this...Welcome to HELL!!!
Hey EXTRO here again...now a few minutes later than the post above me
I've added my socials to the left side of my page so that in the meantime you can go see a more furnished page with my internet face slapped onto it
I'll spruce this place up in the meantime. Im on christmas break from school so I have plenty of time to tidy things up around here! See you when this website is finished!